Group photo of UDT-25 taken in 1945
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UDT-25 History World War II Era Historical Series: Underwater Demolition Team Histories, Team 25. This series provided by THE UDT-SEAL MUSEUM, 3300 NORTH AlA, FORT PIERCE, FL 34949.
Navy Seals Got Their Start 50 Years Ago Off Cuba, Vietnam, from the January 2012 issue of VFW Magazine
About UDTs
Underwater Demolition Teams (UDT) were a precursor to the current United States Navy SEALs. The UDT’s conducted beach and hydrographic reconnaissance, explosive cable and net cutting, explosive destruction of underwater obstacles to enable major amphibious landings, limpet mine attacks, submarine operations, and the locating and marking of mines for minesweepers. They also conducted river surveys and foreign military training. While doing this, the UDTs pioneered combat swimming, closed-circuit diving, underwater demolitions, and midget submarine (dry and wet submersible) operations. [source: Wikipedia]
Seventh from left, top row, is my uncle Franklin Isaac Seal.
Seventh from left top row, is my uncle Franklin Isaac Seal.